Temps Libre close permanently on April 30 2024

Temps libre is a warm coworking that fosters exchanges and encounters.

Are you tired of working alone at home, need to socialize, see people, come and meet our coworkers, share lunches, coffees, and some time get even new contracts. Temps libre offers a warm, bright and friendly coworking, a meeting ground for workers, local initiatives, a neighbourhood work and study area, a pit-stop for families and bustling microcosm in the heart of the Mile End.

Come and join a community, make your zoom team calls., videoconference. We are close to metros,many restaurants around and just. behind ubisoft.

We also rent room to organize event, networking, an AGA general meeting, and a meeting room for 3 to 12 people.


The Urban Village, Solon, Telescope organizations are among our coworkers. E180, Arpent, l’Enclume, Espace Temps have been among us. Our teams are graphic designers, developer programmer, marketing, social economy, sustainable development, urban planning.